West Country Canoes

            Handcrafted Cedar Canvas Canoes

                        Larry Bowers, proprietor  Toll free 1-800-446-1588      Local 403-746-0079

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Canoe- A term used by Columbus in 1493 for a narrow, light boat with it's sides meeting in a sharp edge at each end: it is moved by one or more paddles.



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10ft Trapper

Small light weight recreational canoe.

12ft Solo

A solo recreational canoe.

15ft Bob's Special

A recreational and light wilderness traveling canoe.

15ft Loon

           A recreational and light wilderness traveling canoe with traditional rise and recurve.

16ft Woodsman

A full size Prospector design canoe built

entirely of West Coast yellow cedar.

A full size canoe for extended tripping.


16ft Prospector

A full size canoe for extended tripping.

16ft Algonquin

   A  wilderness traveling canoe with traditional rise and recurve.

      18ft Tripper

This canoe is ideally suited  for long trips requiring much gear.

20ft Freighter

A heavy duty square stern canoe suited for the outdoorsman.